Imagine waking up each morning and knowing EXACTLY what you need to do to redeem the time.
The Evergreen Planning Method will take you from feeling overwhelmed to finally being at peace with space to thrive in your schedule—no matter how many roles and responsibilities you currently manage.
Uncover an Abundance of Hidden Time
More than ever, the world needs Christ-centered women who have their priorities straight. So we designed a holistic approach to the stewardship of time that actually works for the dynamic lives of modern Proverbs 31 women.
On the Blog...
On Perfectionism
"Uh oh, Elizabeth, be careful. You're sloshing it out."
My four-year-old stops her stirring for a second, processing my words. She sees where a small puddle of batter has splatted on the countertop. She adjusts her grip, then begins to mix again, slower this time.
"It's okay, Mom," she says confidently. Then, under her breath, more to herself than to me, "It's all a part of learning."
I'm pretty sure she got that phrase from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, and I’m completely in love with it.
God seems to endow little kids with a strong growth mindset to sustain them through all the challenges of growing up. They fall a hundred times while learning to walk, but giggle through it, jump back up, and try again. All the while, their little muscles are getting stronger, their coordination is improving, and they’re learning to balance themselves as they move toward their target despite obstacles.
Having a growth mindset is vital to sustaining an intentional lifestyle, because making mistakes is a necessary part of the process...
How To Break Past Hyper-Focus & Embrace What's Next
The day was running so smoothly. Truly, it was timeblocking at its finest.
As soon as I finished that task and sent the file to the team for review, I habitually glanced at my planner (as I had at each transition throughout the day). I checked off what had been accomplished thus far, noted what didn’t so I could make sure to take care of it later, and then checked in with my timeblocker for what was next.
It was time to leave for the homeschool planning meeting my friends had scheduled at a local coffee shop.
Suddenly, I felt a familiar feeling crop up inside of me—emotional resistance to the transition...
When you hear Christ’s call to “seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness,” the Evergreen Planning Method will be there to help you figure out what that tangibly looks like, both in terms of your long-range vision and an average Tuesday morning.