The Story Behind "Make Space to Thrive"
Back in 2016, Shelby was living in a non-stop, head-down, shoulder-to-the-grindstone hustle. She and her husband supported their tiny family with a home business and were always behind on deadlines. Every moment taken to just sit down and breathe—even just to eat dinner together without multitasking work—invited an air of guilt into the atmosphere.
But there seemed no way to simply hustle more. After brain-dumping a giant todo list that took up seven sheets of paper, Shelby realized she was going to have to upgrade her productivity strategy—or she and her husband would never get ahead of the train.
Shelby turned to Google. Her husband gave her a couple of books he thought were relevant. They scheduled a meeting with a business mentor. Something, anything had to give. But every tip and tool she found didn't seem to get at the foundational issues of their current situation.
No matter how disciplined she tried to be, it was never enough to move the needle.
Then She Found What She Was Missing 🗝️
But then she found it. The missing piece. While there are no magic bullets in life, Shelby will tell you this is the closest thing she’s ever found to one.
This is the element that has proved over and over again to be THE #1 strategy to consistent achievement and success that so many people completely miss.
Listen to Episode 05 to learn more.

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