Philip has commented on how different I've been since I've been using this planner, just how free I've been to dump my brain out, but not feel shame when I don't get every single thing done... I love it. Philip loves it for me. It's worth the money, for sure.

“Things I have tried so hard to do, and have had the best intentions about—I am finally doing them! I’m almost in happy tears because of the progress I’ve made. My life has been changed by ROOTED Goals.”

I've kept a planner religiously for 10 years. I did bullet journaling for two years solid but then kids came and I just couldn't do all the layouts anymore. I am LOVING the Evergreen because it meets you where you are. You can utilize it as much or as little as needed day by day.

I just love my planner! Thank you for the beautiful and capable planner you have created! I am a homeschooling mom of seven and this planner has been a delight to use and truly serves as an effective tool in aiding order and peace in my life.

As a busy mom who keeps all the receipts and budgets, plans meals, and does school planning, I had been looking for a planner that I could fully customize. This is perfect and so pretty I don’t mind having it out on my counter!

[The Make Space to Thrive podcast] is such a breath of fresh air in a stressed out, productivity obsessed world! And it's just like talking to three good friends.

ROOTED Goals has completely changed my life. I have more clarity on my goals and permission to think creatively through how to pivot with grace as God redirects my plans. As a woman in ministry, a wife, mom, church member, entrepreneur—all these things—this system has just been a complete game-changer. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever come across.”

Jasmine L. Holmes author, speaker, history teacher, & mama of 3
Bailey Lemke business owner, calligraphy artist, & homemaker
Hannah Diane homesteader, business owner, & homeschool mama of 3
Rosaleen M. homeschooling mama of 7
Heidi S.
clair n iTunes review
Rachel Tenney podcaster, business owner & mama of 2

On the Blog...

Case Study: Nurse + Mom Lindsay had ONE Goal

Case Study: Nurse + Mom Lindsay had ONE Goal

When Lindsay, a mama of two and nurse practitioner, sat down to begin implementing the Evergreen Planning Method in her life, she had a specific heart-deep goal in mind.

Between her family, her work, and her church, she knew that she had a lot of roles and responsibilities to manage. She didn't want her days to become blurred with hurry and distraction due to scattered attentions.

"I believe Christ is so present in every magnificent and mundane part of our lives, but it's too easy to check out of that reality when my attention is scattered... I feel so acutely aware of how quickly time passes and I long to create rhythms that connect me to the bigger 'why' of life."

So Lindsay challenged herself to use her day planner five days in a row...

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Why Routines Fall Apart

Why Routines Fall Apart

Ever feel like no matter how hard you try, even your best routines just seem to unravel?

You're not alone.


I used to live in a constant state of randomness, tackling tasks scattershot and leaving things half-finished. Even a routine as simple as making my bed every morning felt like an impossible habit to keep going. 🛏️ I tried all the apps, checklists, and hacks, but once the novelty of a new routine wore off, I would slip back into my old patterns.

But mastering my time-management and productivity was deeply important to me. I wanted to do my part keep the dream my husband and I had alive of earning our income from home as a team, home educating the children together, and pursuing projects family projects that we knew mattered for the Kingdom.

Unwilling to let a lack of self-discipline be the reason we gave up on our most life-giving goals, I’d push myself into frantic bursts of productivity and sacrifice sleep to get caught up. But these sprints always left me completely drained. In 2016, after a 5-week sprint of trying to hold everything together, I nearly ended up in the hospital with an adrenal crash.

(That’s when I knew something seriously needed to change...)

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