Free Masterclass: How to Cultivate Peace & Avoid Seasonal Overwhelm
When we think about Christmas, we are often consumed by thinking about everything we need to get done between now and the end of December, while being caught up in our idealistic dream of a cozy and peaceful Christmas.
We all know the feeling of bouncing back and forth between frenzied activity and staring emptily around us, longing for a moment of peace.
In November, I (Clari) taught a live masterclass Clari taught for the Evergreen Collective.This free replay (& workbook) will help you with all the practical skills needed to tackle your to-do lists and honor your Christmas vision.
Advent and Christmas are my favorite times of the year, but it also happens to be the one of the busiest times for the business, which means I need planning strategies that are easy to implement and help me do what I most want: to celebrate the birth of Christ in very meaningful ways with my family and to be a person who exudes peace while doing it.
You can access the free workbook here.
May this Christmas be your most peaceful yet!
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