Creating Intention Lists
One of the main benefits of using a planner on a daily basis is the resulting automation of thought processes.
Automating thought processes can do so much to free up mental bandwidth and reduce decision fatigue (did you know that was a thing?!).
On our day spreads, we have our regular prompts which lead you through a set of intention-strengthening exercises: "What are your top targets for the day? What are you thankful for? What are your seasonal goals and why are they so important?" etc.
But there's so much space in your planner system to make it serve you in unique and powerful ways. One of the ways to automate your own, personal thought processes is to develop a series of "Intention Lists."
Creating Intention Lists
Shelby developed her "intentions" lists by asking herself the following questions:
- How do I "re-invent the wheel" in the normal processes of my everyday life?
- When do I rethink and rewrite the same things, over and over?
- What if I had a reference list for all of the basics of maintenance, so that I could reserve my creative energies and memory power for things that will help us grow?
She typed out a series of lists based on anything and everything in her life that was on repeat: morning rhythms, evening rhythms, sitting down to work, preparing to travel, getting dinner on the table in under 30 minutes, running to the store to restock the basics, things to do with the children that would cultivate teamwork and connection, and ideas for what to do to reset when everything just felt crazy.
For the longest time, all of these lists sat typed out on a regular piece of paper, tucked in the front pocket of her Cover. She referenced them frequently in her daily living, and they saved her a significant amount of time and effort.
These "Intentions Lists" seriously passed muster, so Shelby awarded them with a permanent place in the front pages of her Annual.
Here's the breakdown of some of the exact lists I use:
Morning Rhythm:
- make bed
- yoga
- get dressed
- hair + makeup
- quiet time
- laundry
- thaw meat
- breakfast
Evening Rhythm:
- dinner
- laundry
- tidy house
- floors
- PM work block (in hustle seasons)
- shower
- time with Kyle
Business Check-In:
- Is someone waiting on me?
- How can I help a tribe member?
- Next task for focus project?
- What can I do to make money?
- Can I create a system?
- Do I need to research anything?
- Do I need to work on my money mindset?
- What do I need to pray about in the business?
Travel Packing & Prep:
- Kyle's clothes
- Kyle's hygiene bag
- Kyle's tech bag
- Shelby's clothes
- Shelby's hygiene bag
- Shelby's tech bag
- books + Bible
- shoes
- special wear (swim? cold?)
- snacks / food
- David's clothes + diapers
- Elizabeth's clothes + pull-ups
- gifts and returns
- clean out the van
- clean kitchen
- clean bathroom
- finish laundry
- trashes + compost
- pack van
- fresh trash bags
- fresh towels
- close blinds
Connecting with the kids:
- read aloud
- dance party
- go on a walk
- fun clean-up
- make gifts
Chores with the kids:
- declutter
- dust
- fold laundry
- scrub tub
- clean under furniture
- clean windows + mirrors
- sweep porch
- clean out van
- clean yard
- polish furniture
If reclaiming precious time and decision-making energy sounds amazing but you don't have time to decorate a spread like the one above, don't complicate it! Just type up or jot down basic lists and tuck them into your Cover to reference as needs be, and then edit them as you use them!
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